A Renovation Moment With Holly Baker Banner

Sometimes those designer genes are there right from the beginning! Or such was the case for Holly Baker. Home Painters Toronto wanted to take the time to talk to Holly since renovation can be another huge part of the design process. Holly Baker lives in renovation, real estate and design. She recently bought a bungalow in Edmonton from the 1930’s. You can follow her renovation and design journey on her Instagram: Lacasabaker. Holly Baker has been spending her time renovating and styling every room to fit her family’s design aesthetic.

At Home Painters Toronto, we’re interested in and inspired by what designed-obsessed individuals are doing all over this beautiful country. Let’s dig into our conversation with Holly Baker!

Holly Baker’s Career in TV Renovation

So, when exactly did Holly Baker realize that she had a true love of design and renovation? Way back when she was six or seven years old! Even as a young child, she used to “obsess over blueprints” and “sketch places where she would put in furniture.”. Holly Baker knew, way back then, that it was a lifelong love of hers.

And even though she studied business in college, she ended up getting a job working on a home renovation show for HGTV. And that led to her work on A&E’s Vacation Rental Potential, which she calls her “dream job.” Holly Baker has vast experience in both flipping houses and renovation, so it was the “perfect marriage” of the two things she loves the most! Click here to see Holly Baker’s post!

Holly Baker

Holly Baker’s Home Restoration & Renovation

Holly has been flipping houses for well over 10 years now, but it was always done as a business venture. Prior, her family was finding that their 2,400 sq. foot house was just too big for them, and they did too much cleaning. They just wanted to spend more time together. It was totally on a whim that Holly Baker and her family found a bungalow in Edmonton in the 1930s. She just happened to turn her head at the exact right moment! Talk about fate.

Holly Baker has always been passionate about restoring and saving older homes. She loves to feature the “original characteristics” while at the same time helping “the guts” of the house become beautiful again. She has been sharing all of the renovation’s ups and downs on her Instagram. Be sure to check out Holly Baker’s Instagram to see all of her charming home-related posts!

Her Favorite Design Project So Far…

Holly Baker is someone who finds aspects that she loves in every renovation and design project she takes on. She has named her dining room as her favourite room to renovate thus far. She names it as such because it’s the room that has the most original features. Holly Baker finds something “really magical about the different stories that have passed through a home.”. She really appreciates the “little quirks that you can’t replicate” in a newer home.

She’s also a big fan of the natural light that comes in through her dining room. And even though it has been her favourite room to design, it was also the room that required the least amount of work. Which actually offered up more challenges! Holly still wanted to tie it into the rest of the home though. They took the chance of painting the windows black, which she recalls was a “painstaking job” but so worth it in the end. Click here to see Holly Baker’s post!

Holly Bakers Instagram

What Does Paint Mean to Holly Baker?

Of course, Home Painters Toronto has to inquire about what paint means to Holly Baker. With a designer’s eye that’s used to coming into a space that needs some love again, Holly Baker really appreciates what paint can do. She says that “paint is the canvas” and without a fresh canvas, you might find yourself unsure of where to start.

Paint is almost always where Holly Baker begins with her renovations and designs. She considers it the ideal “jumping off point” as “fresh paint can work miracles”. Holly loves to bring in unexpected pops of colour, like terracotta or even pink. She doesn’t often focus too much on trends but looks for spaces that feel open and bright.

Holly Baker really appreciates that paint is also something that can be changed at any time. And in the end, paint can be really transformative into how you want your room to look and make you feel. Photos are taken from Instagram and HollyBaker’s website.

Home Painters Toronto's Key Tips for a Successful House Renovation Project

Embarking on a renovation moment project can be an exciting adventure. However, turning your vision into reality requires careful planning, sound decisions, and, above all, patience. Whether you’re renovating to update your space, improve functionality, or increase property value, these key tips can guide you on a fruitful renovation journey.

1. Plot Your Plan Carefully

Start with a clear idea of your renovation desires and necessities. You’ll need to identify what areas of your home you want to renovate and define the scope of work involved. Create a prioritized list of projects to tackle, starting with structural repairs before cosmetic enhancements.

2. Establish a Budget

Establishing a budget is crucial before any renovation project. Include all costs: labour, materials, permits, and a contingency fund for unforeseen expenses. Beyond the actual renovation work, account for potential accommodation costs if you need to live elsewhere during the project. Aim to get multiple quotes for jobs to ensure you’re getting the best deal.

3. Hire the Right Professionals

A successful renovation largely depends on the team behind it. Invest time in researching and hiring reliable, experienced professionals. This includes painting contractors, architects, and designers. Look at their previous work, check their credentials, and read reviews from past clients.

4. Expect the Unexpected

When it comes to renovations, things don’t always go as planned. Whether it’s an unforeseen plumbing issue, hidden structural problems, or a delay in materials, be prepared for unexpected hiccups. Remember, your contingency fund is there to assist in these situations.

5. Communicate Regularly

Ensure that you communicate diligently with your renovation team. Clearly express your expectations, and encourage them to openly discuss any issues or delays they encounter. Regular check-ins can help keep your project on track.

6. Stick to Your Decisions

Once work begins, try to avoid changing your mind too often. While it may be tempting to add or modify parts of the project mid-build, changes can lead to delays and additional costs.

7. Be Patient

Renovation takes time and invariably comes with some level of disruption to your daily life. Remember that the end result will hopefully justify any temporary inconvenience. According to the classic adage, “The best things come to those who wait” — so strive to be as patient as possible.

In conclusion

planning for a renovation can be just as much work as the renovation itself, but careful planning, budgeting, and open communication can ensure a successful outcome that you’re happy with. Remember, this renovation is about creating a space tailored for you, so take your time and enjoy the results of your hard work!

Are you totally inspired now? If the work involved in repairing or painting outside sounds like it involves too much time and energy to do yourself, call 416.494.9095 or email [email protected] for a FREE quote. And don’t forget to follow us on all our social channels below!