How to Clean Up the Mess Left by a Bad Painting Contractor

Featured cleaning up the mess left by bad painter

There’s nothing worse than a sloppy painting contractor who lacks detail.  Whether they didn’t follow your wall lines, didn’t use primer and painted over your windows (and you couldn’t open them for weeks). Or, in the worst case, made holes in your wall for no reason and left a mess all around… It’s all terrible! […]

Is It Really Beneficial Hiring a Professional Painter?

Is it really Beneficial Hiring A Professional Painter

Should You Hire a Professional Painter? There’s a good chance that you’ve been asking yourself this question for some time now. After all, painting isn’t exactly rocket science, so why would you need to hire someone to do it for you? Hiring a professional painter can be an expensive proposition. But is it really worth […]

Beware of the Cheap Painting Quote

Beware of the Cheap Painting Quote

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. Is That Painting Quote Too Good To Be True? With the high number of paint contractors in Toronto and the GTA today, many are willing to underbid such as giving cheap painting quote to get a painting […]