A Designer Moment With Tiffany Pratt

Tiffany Pratt

We are constantly inspired by the work of designers throughout Canada. Our country is just chock full of talented individuals who get as jazzed about paint and design as we do! Included on that list is designer, stylist, author and podcast host, Tiffany Pratt. If you head on over to Tiffany’s website, you will find yourself […]

A Designer Moment With Jo Alcorn

Featured A Designer Moment With Jo Alcorn

Design is in the eye of the beholder: an appealing sentence well suited to Jo Alcorn. Whether you know her as a highly sought-after famous designer, a home decor enthusiast, or are just now discovering her stellar body of work, she will surprise you. Yet at the same time, familiar things endear themselves to you. It’s this feeling […]