Is It Worth Paying Someone To Paint Your House?

Is It Worth Paying Someone To Paint Your House

Is it worth paying someone to paint your house? It depends on the type of project and if you’re willing to pay good money for a successful finish. Let’s say that your paint is peeling or the colour is fading. Or maybe you want a new fresh coat of paint. Professional painters can make that […]

Exterior Painting: Add Personality To Your Patio


Your patio is an extension of your living space, an area where you can unwind, entertain guests, and enjoy the outdoors. However, if your patio looks dull and uninviting, it’s time to add some personality and charm with exterior painting. Have you ever stepped outside on your backyard patio and felt uninspired? The very idea of […]

Do It Yourself Painting Basics: Prepping Your Exterior For Winter

Do It Yourself Painting Basics - Prepping Your Exterior For Winter

PREPARE YOUR HOUSE EXTERIOR PAINTING FOR WINTER WITH THESE HOME IMPROVEMENT TIPS FROM HOME PAINTERS TORONTO It seems like every year the cost of heat and power for your house gets higher and harder to manage. With energy costs on the rise, it is definitely beneficial to spend the time and the investment to winterize […]

DIY Painting Basics: Painting The Exterior of Your House

DIY Painting Basics Painting The Exterior of Your House

Sometimes, we look at our homes and long for the good old days when we were young, ready to take on the world. After a while, our houses start to reveal the same wear and tear that our busy lives create in us. So once in a while, doing a refreshing DIY painting basics project […]