How Often Should A House Be Painted?

How Often Should A House Be Painted?

How often should a house be painted depends on many factors. Your home’s exterior is everyone’s first impression that passes by. Maintaining the exterior painting of your home is important because cracks and peelings can occur over time. House painting is a big job, especially the exterior. It’s vital to hire professional painters, if possible. […]

How Often Do You Need To Paint Your Exterior?

Featured How Often Do You Need To Paint Your Exterior

One of the most common questions we get asked at Home Painters Toronto is, “How often do I need to paint my exterior?” or “How long should exterior paint last before fading?“ The answer to this question is a bit complicated, but it is simple: It depends. As with most things, exterior paint will last a long […]

When Does Your House Needs Painting?

When Does Your House Needs Painting

Are you staring at your walls, wondering if they’re trying to whisper something to you? Maybe it’s not a whisper but a loud cry for a fresh coat of paint. Embarking on a painting project can seem like a daunting task, but it’s an essential part of maintaining and uplifting the aura and value of […]