How To Brighten Up A Dark Room With Paint

How To Brighten Up A Dark Room With Paint

Paint can do wonders when refining the mood and atmosphere of a room. The right paint colours can breathe new life into a dim space, capable of turning it from cold and sombre into vibrant and welcoming. Nobody really likes a dark space, right? Most people prefer brighter rooms because it just naturally helps to […]

Best Paint Colours For Low Light Rooms

Best Paint Colours For Low Light Rooms

You would think painting a room consists of knowing what colour you want, but that’s not the main thing sometimes. Figuring out how a certain colour appears in different lighting is something a lot of people don’t focus on. As you can imagine, your room will not always be bright; it will be dark. Picking […]

What Is The Best Paint For Dark Rooms?

What Is The Best Paint For Dark Rooms?

Almost all of us have a space like this in our homes — a dark room where very little or no natural light gets in. Stepping into those dark rooms can almost feel dreary if you don’t have the right paint colours in them. It can be a bit of a task trying to figure […]